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Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 8:41 AM |  
Universal Providers Group | More programs by this publisher

Publisher's Description:Here's a summary of everything you will learn in this information-packed resource... From the basics: Why you really do need a website... Make money online Post your online resume, easily updated, easily available, with interactive links to really show what you've done in past jobs or education Keep up with friends and family - announce a new engagement, wedding, baby, achievement, job, move Simplifying the jargon - then using it Know your COM, BIZ, NET, ORG, INFO, WS, etc. Know what you don't need to know about HTML, JAVA, PHP, ASP, etc. - and what you do How do they do that? And should you? Spinning, bouncing, fading pop-ups Animated GIFs Streaming audio/video The myth of the all-knowing programmer or site designer Most use the same tools available to you A lot of those tools are free Many are no more difficult to use than clicking a mouse button Advertise your current brick-and-mortar (offline) business Provide a map to your store or office Offer "specials" you can change daily without spending a dime Showcase your service or product Start a new business online Or expand the one you have to as large a customer base as you desire A website can focus tightly on a single city, even a neighborhood Or it can bring in new customers from all over the planet Learn the history of the Net, how it came to be, where it's at, where it's going Not knowing this is like voting with no knowledge of democracy or the candidates and issues Your choice: Teach your children - or hope they will teach you.
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